Dermal Fillers in Solihull and Birmingham
Dermal Fillers in Solihull
Dermal filler is an injectable that is used to fill specific resting lines and wrinkles as well as create volume in other target areas to create natural contouring. Fillers mostly consist of hyaluronic acid which is a safe substance produced naturally by the body.
We can use a little filler to create a natural, soft, fresher look, or we can use it to be more creative and give stronger and more dramatic definition to the facial features. We can also work on just one area of the face or a full facial rejuvenation package is available.

The 7ml Filler Package - £800
When we are younger, the face has what is known as the 'triangle of youth' or 'beauty triangle' shape to it.
We can see from the image on the right that the cheekbones create this height and width, with the lower face/jowls/chin forming a natural point or 'V' shape.
As we age, the fat pads in the face drop, we lose density in the fat and bones and we find that this triangular shape turns upside down. We now have lack of contour in the cheeks and the jowls become heavy. As well as being able to place filler strategically around the face to fill resting lines and regain contour, we can recreate the volume in the cheeks with filler and restore some of this natural shape again.

The 4ml Filler Package - £500

What Areas Can Be Treated with Dermal Filler?
Many clients are concerned about lip fillers. They feel they will look too big or fake and 'sausage-like'. My aim is to create a natural result for my clients - a lip enhancement.
Dermal fillers are wonderful to rebuild and sculpt the lips if used correctly. With age, we 'lose' our lips. They seem to disappear and become very thin. I work very subtly on lips and I insist on a natural look for my clients. I like to 'pick up' the natural lip line and cupid's bow and create width for the top and bottom lips putting the lips back to where they once were. I do not create a new and unnatural shape for my clients. A soft 'no filler' look is what my clients ask me for and this is what I give them.
Each syringe of filler contains 1.0ml of product. You purchase one syringe of filler and I am happy to work slowly over two sittings with all lip filler clients. We can add just 0.5ml of product in the first sitting. After 14 days, if you would like a little more volume, we can simply add more at that time. If you are happy with the results after your first sitting and you require no more in the lips, we can look at other areas we may utilise the remaining product on your face such as nasolabial or marionette lines. You get to use all of your filler at no extra charge to you.

Cheeks lose density and shape over time. The face ages from a traditional 'triangle of youth' and 'collapses' into a more 'upside down triangle/rectangle' shape.
Dermal fillers can be perfectly placed in this area to create height and volume, creating a 'triangle of youth' outline and giving us an aesthetically - pleasing facial contour once again.
As the fat pads fall in the face, the cheeks can weigh heavily on the central and lower parts. Deep resting lines are formed from the nose to mouth and from the corners of the mouth towards the chin. These areas make the face look constantly miserable and this can be helped with dermal filler.
They can be softened with strategically placed product to create a more youthful appearance, picking up the corners of the mouth to stop that 'dragging' appearance.

The chin can become flattened, upturned and square over time. A little filler to offer natural projection can elongate and slim down the face and jawline and add a more feminine look.
The Jaw can be sculpted by specific filler placement. This creates definition for the lower face, elongating the jawline.

Packages and Prices
Cheek Enhancement 1ml - £200
Cheek Enhancement 2ml - £300
Cheek Enhancement & Apples (mid-face) 2ml - £300
Cheek Enhancement & Apples (mid-face) 3ml - £400
Nasolabial Folds (Nose to Mouth Lines) - 1ml - £200
Nasolabial Folds & Lower Face Heaviness 2ml - £300
Nasolabial Folds, Lower Face Heaviness & Marionette Lines (Mouth to Chin Lines) 3ml - £400
Chin Augmentation 1ml - £200
Jawline Augmentation 2ml - £300
Full Neck Lines 2ml (premium filler used for this area) - £350
Full Neck Lines 3ml (premium filler used for this area) - £500
The Advanced 8-Point Face Lift - £750
Facial Contour Packages:
The 3.3ml Filler Package - cheeks and chin - £400
The 4.4ml Filler Package - cheeks, lips and chin - £500
The 5.5ml Filler package - cheeks, jaw and chin - £600
The 6.6ml Filler Package - cheeks, jaw, chin and lips - £700
The 7.7ml Filler package - cheeks, jaw, chin, lips and nasolabial and marionette lines - £800

The 4ml Filler Package - £500
The 6ml Filler Package £700
The 3ml Filler Package - £400
The 6ml Filler Package - £700